Simple Calculator

This code implements a simple calculator using HTML and JavaScript. It features a user interface with buttons for digits, arithmetic operations, and a display field that shows the current input and result. The calculator performs basic arithmetic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Each operation is handled by dedicated functions, ensuring clear and maintainable code.

HTML Structure:
  • Calculator Form: The calculator encapsulates the entire calculator interface. It contains a display field (input id="display" type="text") to show inputs and calculation results.
  • Number and Operator Buttons: The buttons are arranged in a grid to mimic a physical calculator. They include:
JavaScript Functions:
  • concatener(chiffre) Function: This function adds the clicked digits or operators to the string displayed on the screen.
  • Calculation Functions (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division): These functions perform basic mathematical operations:
    • addition(): Adds two numbers.
    • soustraction(): Subtracts the second number from the first.
    • multiplication(): Multiplies two numbers.
    • division(): Divides the first number by the second, with a check to prevent division by zero.
  • calculer() Function: Responsible for evaluating the complete expression:
    • Retrieves the displayed expression as a string.
    • Splits the expression into a list of numbers and operators using the split() method.
    • Iterates through the list, applies each operator in sequence, and updates the result.
    • Displays the final result in the display field.